One Off Solution America


We bring technological innovation, constant and rapid support, flexibility and professionalism to our services.

One Off America, a unique enterprise, was set up in 2019 to meet the great American demand with our flexible services, combining engineering, technology, research and 24/7 support.

One Off America offers custom solutions, guaranteeing a reactive, constant and efficient 24/7 high-quality service that can propose turnkey industrial applications.

Commercial and technical support that can ensure, with its presence on site, comprehensive assistance, from the collection of technical information for preparing the proposal to work progress inspections.

The One Off America team is made up of engineers who are highly skilled in industrial applications and are very familiar with Italian machinery and equipment.


One Off America, LLC

Pietro Palini
Co-Founder & CTO   

+1 713 5309451
+39 334 7739104


Technical office
825 Watter’s Creek Blvd. Building M, Suite 250
Texas, Allen 75013
Office 221

Phone: +1 9729964500


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©2021 One Off Solution